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Quiz Results Display
By default, when you publish a student's grade on a quiz, they see only the overall score they earned. Unless you change the defaults, students will not see a detailed review of the questions, their answers, or your feedback. A feature exists to let you enable this type of detailed review, but instructors should consider very carefully before deciding to enable it.
Should I enable Results Display on my eConestoga quiz?
It is natural for students to want to review their graded quizzes, and for instructors to want to let them do that. Reviewing a quiz lets the student know which areas of the course they may need to spend more time studying. However, letting students freely review their completed quizzes carries a large risk:
If you let your students freely review an eConestoga quiz, it is very likely that your students will post a copy of the quiz on a cheating website. If they do, all students in other sections and future semesters will have access to it before they write it, and the quiz likely can't be used again.
Because of this risk, the Online Learning Centre strongly recommends that instructors NOT enable the settings to let students review their eConestoga quizzes, unless one of the following circumstances applies:
- The quiz is ungraded.
- The quiz is worth a fairly trivial number of grades (e.g., less than 1% of the final grade).
- You created the quiz, you do not share the quiz will any other instructors, and you fully intend to never re-use the quiz (i.e., you already planned to make new quizzes every semester).
Ultimately, it is your prerogative as an instructor to decide whether enabling a review of your quizzes is something you are comfortable with. We simply don't recommend it in most cases.
If you do decide to enable a review of your quiz, follow these steps:
Adding a simple Results Display
The basic Result Display feature lets you pick one of a handful of pre-set options that will be displayed to your students the instant the quiz is published.

- Go to Course Tools -> Quizzes.
- Click the drop-down arrow beside the name of the quiz and choose Edit.
- Open the Evaluation & Feedback block on the right side of the screen.
- Under the heading labeled "When published, display to learners", check the box labeled Attempt Grade if it isn't already set.
- Click the drop-down below that and choose one of the five options:
- No questions
- Incorrect questions only, with correct answers
- Incorrect questions only, without correct answers
- All questions, with correct answers
- All questions, without correct answers
- When you're finished, click Save & Close at the bottom left.
Notes on these options:
- Choosing "Incorrect questions only" will only show each student the questions where they scored less than perfect.
- If you don't show correct answers, the students see what they answered and their score, but are not shown the correct answers to questions they got wrong. Showing correct answers also causes the system to highlight the correct answer.
- If you have entered manual feedback, all options except "No Questions" will display your feedback.
Advanced Results Displays
If you wish to have more control over when and how your students review their quiz results, you can customize your Results Displays by adding more than one "view", with each view presenting different settings at different times.
- Go to Course Tools -> Quizzes.
- Click the drop-down arrow beside the name of the quiz and choose Edit.
- Open the Evaluation & Feedback block on the right side of the screen.
- Under the heading labeled "When published, display to learners", click the link labeled Customize Quiz Results Displays.
Configure the Primary View
- A window will open that shows a Primary View. These are the settings that will display by default, until an additional view we'll create later comes into effect. Click Edit View at the bottom of the Primary View block to see and change its settings:
- Custom Message - The text that will show at the top when the student reviews their results.
- Grade - Whether or not the student's overall quiz grade should be displayed. You should almost always leave this checked.
- Questions - Similar to the options presented in the basic Results Display, this determines which questions will be shown to the student. The options you can select are:
- Don't show (This effectively deactivates the review, as no questions are shown)
- All questions
- Incorrect questions only with learner's responses (Shows questions the student answered but got wrong. Questions they didn't answer aren't shown).
- Correct questions only with learner's responses
- Show the correct answers to the displayed questions - If enabled, the system will highlight the right answer if the student picked the wrong one.
- Show the learner's responses to the displayed questions - If enabled, the system shows the student which answer they chose.
- Show the learner's grade for the displayed questions - If enabled, the system shows the student how many points the question was worth and how many points they received.
- Show standards for the displayed questions - This feature is not enabled in eConestoga, and can be ignored.
- Display class average - If enabled, the student is shown the average score of all students who completed the quiz.
- Display grade distribution - If enabled, the student is shown a bar graph of how many students scored 90-100%, 80-90%, 70-80%, etc.
- Important and easily missed: After you change any of the settings for a Results Display view, you must manually save the changes by clicking the grey Update button. If you click the blue Ok button at the bottom without clicking Update first, your changes will be lost!
Add Additional Views
- Underneath the Primary View, you can create Additional Views. These views will "take over" for the Primary View at a specified time and date. The settings here are exactly the same as the ones available when configuring the Primary View, except that they have a date selector at the top. This is the date that the Primary View will go away, and be replaced by the review settings in this Additional View.
- There is a checkbox labeled "A limited amount of time (in minutes) after submission". This option is often not useful. Instructors often expect it to be a time limit that each student can spend reviewing their quiz, but that is not what it does. Instead, it makes this additional view deactivate a set number of minutes after the student submits their quiz. Unless you are enabling review immediately after students submit a fully auto-graded quiz, this option should be left unchecked.
- You can set as many additional views as you wish. To give a complicated example, you could have:
- A Primary View that allows no review at all
- An additional view that starts a week after the exam, and shows students their score, the class average, and the grade distribution.
- Another additional view that (i) shows them all of the questions they got wrong and (ii) starts at a specified time during your weekly class, when you want your students to review the quiz under your supervision.
- A final additional view that starts 20 minutes after the previous one, and once again shows only the same score and statistics as the second view.
- Settin all of that up would be time-consuming, but the options to do so exist if a complex release schedule like that is valuable to you.
- When you've finished configuring all of the views you need, and have clicked Update under each of them, click the blue Ok button to return to the Edit Quiz screen.
- Click Save and Close at the bottom left.

Review instructions for students
If you enable review of any of your quizzes, there is a guide you can provide to your students that takes them through the correct steps to access the review: Student Guide: Viewing Quiz Results.