If you are teaching online classes through Zoom or MS Teams, eConestoga can make your meeting information easy for students to find if you post it in the right spot.

Part 1 - Create a recurring meeting

Note: Instructions will be provided in this guide for setting up your online class using Zoom only. If you prefer to use MS Teams for your online classes, perform the equivalent setup in that platform to create a recurring meeting.

  1. Go to the Zoom web portal and Sign In.
  2. In the left-side menu, click Meetings.
  3. On the far right, click the "+ Schedule a Meeting" button.
  4. Set up your meeting:
    • Topic: Give the meeting a name. E.g., "COMP1234 Section 3"
    • When: Set the date and time of the first class.
    • Duration: Set how long each meeting will last.
    • Check the Recurring meeting checkbox.
    • Recurrence: Set this to "Weekly", repeating "every 1 week".
    • Occurs On: Set the day(s) of the week that this class is held.
    • End Date: Set the date of the last class.

    Note: There are additional settings you can configure on this screen to alter how your meeting behaves, but only the day and time settings we've covered up to here matter for adding the meeting to eConestoga. Feel free to edit the meeting later and change any settings you want. For now, we'll assume you don't want to change any other settings and continue with adding the meeting to eConestoga.

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
  6. You will be taken to a summary of the meeting settings. In the middle of the page, look for an Invite Link. Right-click on this link and choose the option to copy the link (the specific menu label varies by browser).

Once we have that link copied, we're finished in Zoom and can now move to eConestoga for the next part of the setup.

Part 2 - Post your meeting link in eConestoga's Calendar

Note: This part will involve entering a lot of the same information we just entered into Zoom. Zoom now knows when the meeting is happening, but we need to tell eConestoga when it's happening-- the date information won't transfer automatically.

  1. Go to eConestoga, and open your course.
  2. At the top, click Course Tools -> Calendar.
  3. At the top left, click Create Event.
  4. Give the calendar event a Title. Something like "COMP1234 Section 3 Online Meeting", will make it clear to your students what the event is.
  5. In the Description block, paste the Invite Link we copied from Zoom. (You can add other text as well if you want, as long as the meeting link is also there).
  6. Under the When settings,
    • Set the date and time of the first class. eConestoga handles this differently than Zoom did-- both of the Dates here are for the first class, and so should be the same date. We'll set the date of the last class later.
    • Click Add Recurrence.
    • Set it to recur Weekly, repeating every 1 week.
    • Repeat On: check the day(s) of the week the class is held.
    • Recurrence Ending: Set the date of the last class.
  7. When you're done, click Create at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Back on the Calendar view, click Month at the top if you aren't already looking at the whole Month view. If you set your meeting up correctly, you should see a calendar entry for every week of your class.
  9. Click your course title at the top of eConestoga to return to your course homepage. If you've done everything correctly, the homepage should list the "Next Online Meeting" for your class. A launch button for the meeting will appear in that space shortly before the class starts.