Many different question types are available within the Quiz tool.

Basic Question Types

  • Multiple Choice (MC): Ask a question, and present multiple answer options. The student selects the ONE correct answer.
  • Multiple Select (MS): Ask a question, and present multiple answer options. The student selects the MULTIPLE correct answers.
  • True/False (TF): Make a statement. The student decides if it is True or False.
  • Ordering (ORD): Provide a set of steps or statements. The student chooses the correct order in which they should occur.
  • Matching (MAT): Provide a set of Choices and Matches. The student decides which Choice corresponds to each Match.

Text-Entry Questions

  • Fill In The Blanks: The student must answer a question or complete a sentence using a one-word type-in box. A question can contain multiple blanks. A correct answer must be entered and the system WILL automatically mark the question.
  • Short Answer: The student must answer a question using a one-line type-in box. A correct answer must be entered and the system WILL automatically mark the question.
  • Written Response: The student must answer a question using a multi-line type-in box. Text formatting can be enabled. The question must be MANUALLY graded by the instructor.

In practice, we strongly recommend using Written Response for nearly all questions that require a student to type their answer. Short Answer questions with a multi-word answer will almost never be accurately marked by the system. A student's answer will only be considered correct if it perfectly matches the answer you entered, EXACTLY as you typed it, including all spelling, word order, spacing, and punctuation. Even Fill-In-The-Blanks questions, which typically only involve a one-word answer, will still very frequently penalize a student for variations in spelling, pluralization, and acronym punctuation. As a result, these question types should usually be avoided in favour of Written Response.

The only case where a Fill-In-The-Blanks question might be appropriate is where the answer is a number (and ideally, an integer with no decimals), as students are more likely to be able to enter that answer exactly as the question intended.

Calculated Questions

  • Arithmetic Questions: Establish a set of variables, specifying the range of possible numbers for each one (min, max, and granularity of increments). Teach the system a formula to be calculated using these variables using a special equation editor. Each student will then be provided a different set of numbers for each variable, and the system will evaluate whether they accurately calculated the answer using the specific numbers that student was given to work with.
  • Significant Figures: Exactly like an Arithmetic Question, but the student will be asked to express their answer in Significant Figures format (a x 10^b).

Video: Overview of Question Types