You may occasionally discover after your students have completed an eConestoga quiz that a particular question was not set up correctly-- it may have had the wrong answer selected, or it may have been ambiguously worded such that many answers (or no answer) could have been correct. When this situation arises, you can make use of the Regrading feature to update the mark of every student who completed the question.

Depending on the type of question and the degree of the problem, there are three ways to regrade a question:

  • Provide a new correct answer: Tell the system which grade to assign to students who provided specific answers. Useful only for Multiple Choice, True/False, and one-word Fill-In-The-Blanks questions.
  • Manually regrade the question: Review each student's answer and manually assign a mark to each one. Necessary to regrade Matching, Ordering, and Multiple Select questions where you do not wish to simply strike the question.
  • Give all students full marks: If the question is too flawed to correct, you can strike the question and assign its full value to all students who answered it.

Bulk Regrading

The bulk regrading tool can be used to provide a new correct answer or to give all students full marks.

  1. Go to Course Tools -> Quizzes.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow beside the title of the quiz you want to regrade and choose Grade.
  3. The next screen has three tabs at the top. Click the third tab, labeled "Questions".
  4. Check the second bubble at the top, labeled "Update All Attempts".
  5. Scroll down and click on the question you wish to regrade. Note: If you've already edited the question, it will appear underneath the normal block of questions as a "question no longer on this quiz", as the versions of the question before and after the edit are considered different questions by the system.
  6. You will be taken to a screen that displays the number of students who selected each available answer. Underneath this, you will see the regrading area. The next step varies depending on which type of correction you are making:
    • If you are giving all students full marks, select the bubble beside "Give to all attempts [___] points", type in the value of the question, then click Save.
    • If you wish to change the correct answer for a Multiple Choice or True/False question, select the bubble beside "Give to all attempts with answer [___], [___] marks". You will need to use this option twice:
      • First, select the answer option that the system mistakenly thought was correct, and tell the system to assign a 0 to that answer. Click Save.
      • Next, select the answer that was actually correct, and tell the system to assign the question's full value to that answer. Click Save.

    Each time you use the regrading tool on a question, after the page reloads, you can scroll to the bottom of the page to see a full history of all bulk changes that have been made to the question.

  7. When you're finished, click "Go Back to Questions"

Manual Regrading

The manual regrading tool lets you look at each student's response and determine their score.

  1. Go to Course Tools -> Quizzes.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow beside the title of the quiz you want to regrade and choose Grade.
  3. The next screen has three tabs at the top. Click the third tab, labeled "Questions".
  4. Leave the first bubble at the top--"Grade Individual Responses"-- selected, then click on the question you wish to regrade.
  5. On the next screen, you will see one student's response to the question. If you wish to see many responses at once for faster grading, click the drop-down arrow beside the page selector at the top and choose a larger number of responses to display on each page.
  6. For each response, read over the student's answer, determine their score, and type it into the Score box.
  7. When you are finished, click Save at the bottom.

Edit the Question

Regrading the question corrects it for all students who have already written it, but you will still need to edit the question itself (either in your Question Library, or within the Quiz under the "Add/Edit Questions" menu, depending on how you built your quiz) to correct it for any students who write the quiz in the future. You can edit the question before or after you regrade, as long as both are ultimately done.