Once you've created a Rubric and connected it to an Assignment Folder, you'll be able to use that rubric to provide detailed feedback on your students' Assignment submissions.

Grading with a Rubric

  1. Follow the normal steps to Grade Assignment Submissions. When you arrive at the submission grading screen, you should see an option in the right-side grading panel to open a Rubric to grade the student.
  2. Within the rubric window that appears, for each criterion row, click the box that corresponds to the student's level of achievement in that criterion.
  3. An instructor is grading a student's submission with a rubric. The "Complete" level has been chosen for the "Text Titles" criterion. "Partial" has been chosen for "Text Descriptions".
  4. If you wish to fine-tune a student's grade, first pick the box that best describes their score, and then click the score on the right side of the rubric row to type a more specific grade (e.g., select the "4" box and then override to 4.5). Note that you must select a box before entering an override value, otherwise the rubric will not be considered "filled in" and will not be made visible to the student.
  5. You can also enter text feedback under any criterion by clicking "Add Feedback" under the criterion's name on the left side of the screen.
  6. Once you've selected a box in each criterion row, an Overall Score will light up at the bottom of the screen. This tells you that the rubric is ready to be finalized by clicking Close at the bottom. When you do, the Overall Score will be transferred as the Score for that student's assignment submission.